Sunday, 12 June 2011

Adsense And Yahoo Their Fight For Advertising Supremacy Is Going On!

Two of the biggest names in the Internet are Yahoo and Google. Its no longer surprising that competition will exist between these two giants. When Google has launched its adsense campaign it started dominating the Internet but of course Yahoo will not just let this pass without creating one of their own. If Google has Adsense, Yahoo on its part has created the Yahoo Publisher. But comparing the overall design of the two programs we will see that they are somewhat similar in some respects.

To better understand the two programs it would be best that we discuss them separately.

Google’s Adsense

Let us start with the infamous Adsense Program. This program is an automated ad service that allows small web owners to display advertisements on their own web pages in return they will receive a portion or a share of the pay-per-click revenue that Google will generate out from the Adsense. This is an additional income for web owners.

Google’s adsense in one view may seem to be a simple concept but behind it is a complicated technology that only the smartest and the brightest team of Google can effectively accomplished. The adsense program is wholly automated and makes use of a crawler that assesses the contents found on a publisher’s site. After the evaluation is complete Google will then provide the publisher with some Javascript code to embed in their pages.

If ever the Javascript is activated a call is made back to Google to pull some ads out from the adsense program. The ads generated will be in accordance to the content found on the page. For example if the content of the page deals on wheelchairs then all ads regarding wheelchairs will appear. If you want to gain more from adsense it would be best to customize the colors as well as the formats to match the theme of your site.

This will make the adsense appear as if it is an original part of the page. This will lead your site visitors to think that it is a link to one of your site’s pages and would therefore click on it for additional information that they may require.

Yahoo’s Publisher

There are several features that set Yahoo’s Publisher distinct from Google adsense and these are as follows:

1. You will not see the Google’s famous tagline—“Ads by Google”
2. The ad blocks used by Yahoo do not touch each other
3. Another obvious distinction is the text inside a block is cut off and ends in an ellipsis.

These are just some of the prominent features that differentiate Yahoo’s Publisher from Google’s Adsense. But unlike Yahoo, Google requires its advertisers to refrain from using incomplete phrases and to limit the phrases to a certain number of characters per line.

In using Yahoo’s Publisher when you click on the ads you are transmitted to the advertiser’s page but you have to pass through first an Overture server. This Overture Server by the way is Yahoo subsidiary or soon to become Yahoo Search. The main function of this server is to do ad serving.

Now that you know the features and benefits of both programs you may now decide which of these two would be more advantageous for your sites.

Adsense – Still A Cash Cow?

With the advent of Google losing a court case (and a shed load of money) and the continued problem of click fraud the question is now on the tip of everyone’s tongue – “Is Google Adsense still the cash cow that it was?”.

In this article I’ll take a look at ways in which the average webmaster may still develop a successful Adsense business and how to use the up and coming Google witch hunt to your advantage.

There are currently two main problems that are facing Google, both of which are serious and could lead to the demise of both Adsense and Adwords.

The first and most serious problem is that of click fraud. For those of you who do not know click fraud is the act of clicking on your own (or a friends) ads in an attempt to generate artificial earnings.

This is such a problem for Google as it ensures that the value that Adwords purchasers gets is significantly less then they would want, thus ensuring that sooner or later they will just get up and walk away (with what remains of their advertising budget firmly clamped in their hand).

To remedy this problem Google have tried putting several rules in place such as not allowing the webmaster to show Adsense ads in auto surf sites (to name but one restriction).

The second problem that Google faces relates to content, notably the amount of original content which is out there.

The problem in this case is that many people have purchased article scraper software (software that you point at someone elses website and just shout ‘Fetch!’ – it then returns a document collection which is a complete rip off of the site).

This was already a problem before the advent of Adsense sites and with the continual chain of people chasing high value keywords it has become worse; It is now possible to search for a given phrase on Google and return nothing but duplicate content for the first few pages of search engine results.

In order to address this problem Google has been modifying it’s algorithm to effectively punish people with duplicate content, the extent to which an individual site is ‘penalized’ is currently a matter for debate.

So, given Google is about to launch a witch hunt looking for sites with nothing but duplicate content and for people performing click fraud what can you do?

After all there are so many people out there using site generation tools that Google can trace and/or document obfustication technology (you’ve seen the ads – “We can make your one original article into 300 and Google will never know!” – yep, and anyone who visits your site will just find drivel with spelling errors or contextual mistakes).

Step 1.
If you must use site generation software make sure you find one that leaves no trace behind itself, ask yourself – ‘If I was looking at the source code from the generated page how would I know that it’s machine generated?’

Step 2.
Don’t use site scraping tools, they're immoral and a waste of your time

Step 3.
Do include RSS feeds into your pages, they add fresh content with no effort on your part (at least one of the site generation tools now supports this kind of functionality)

Step 4.
Don’t click on your own adverts, Google will can you in the blink of an eye

Step 5.
Do get incoming links from established sites (in the same area as your niche content)

If you are at all serious about creating an Adsense income you need more than one site and so it is inevitable that you will use site generation tools (because there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to create the amount of pages by hand), by all means use these tools but use them ethically.

When using site generation tools ensure that they allow you to add multiple blocks of Adsense /Clickbank /Ebay code to each page (it saves you a lot of time) and that it performs search engine optimization for you (both on page and off page).

You should also take the time to write some of your own original content – like this or perhaps pay a ghost writer to create a batch of articles for you (don’t forget to ad your bio box at the bottom of everything you write).

To answer the initial question, yes, it is still possible to make LOTS of money from Google – you just need to be careful.